Mark Silcox
Some of My Stories
My story "A Lot Of Woe" is about a bunch of kids on a bus ride home from middle school and their war against boredom, each other, and maybe the American class system. It came out in the lovely online YA literary journal Fterota Logia in June of 2023. Check it out for free!
"Quest for the Sacred Tome" is a sentimental tale about the love of computer games, and perhaps other kinds. It's available here, with a neat (I think AI-crafted) illustration on the New English Review's website.
"Password Protected" is a cheerful, halfway-romantic SF tale about a near future where identities can be shed like a lizard's skin, and all forms of beauty are borrowed. Also free to read in Cornice, as of May 2023.
If you're into darker stuff, "Escalation" is an honestly pretty nasty tale about how wrecked civilizations get their own citizens to help clean house. Free to read in the beautifully produced and consistently terrifying horror webzine The Dread Machine.
My one attempt at sword-and-sorcery, "The Enemy's True Name," came out in 2017 and is archived here in the consistently impressive (& locally published) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly.
Almost all the rest of the fiction I've published is conveniently listed on my Amazon author page.